Wallace Care are a Supported Independent Living provider ( SIL)
What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?
1. it is an NDIS support where a person with a disability lives in a house with other people. People who live in Supported Independent Living also receive day-to-day support with tasks including cleaning, shopping, cooking , meal time plans and assistance with personal care (such as laundry, showering, dressing and grooming). Supported Independent Living is suitable for those who are not able to live by themselves or with their family.
2. Includes the assistance with daily life skills in a shared living environment, with a goal on developing those skills of each participant to live as independently as possible. The support is supplied to each person living in a shared arrangement in accordance with their own individual needs and goals. There is a focus on maximising the person’s capacity to be as self sufficient as possible with household decision making, personal care and domestic tasks.
3. It provides each participant with a secure and comfortable home. SIL can also help you:
Remain safe and healthy
Make social connections with others and build friendships.
Participate in activities , pastimes and interests you have.
Develop new skills such as money and household management
Take part in the household routines
4. We have vacancies in our Supported Independent Living homes. Like any household, it’s important that the residents get along, our goal is to match residents based on similar ages , interests and lifestyles.
5. SIL does not include rent, board and lodging or other day-to-day usual living expenses such as food and activities. It also does not include the capital costs associated with a participant’s accommodation.
Summary of procedure to enter Wallace Care SIL Services
1 Please contact us for an initial brief discussion
We will give you a brief introduction to see if you would be interested in meeting us at Wallace Care.
2 We will send you a Participant intake form for you to complete and return to us.
The more we know about you the better we can support you to meet your needs and achieve your goals.
3 Initial meeting
A opportunity to get to know each other
Tell us more about what your needs and goals are.
Answer any questions you have
Give you our participant handbook so you can understand us more about us.
Explain to you our try us out procedure
See if you would like us to support you
3 Let us know if you want us to provide SIL support or other support
Supported Independent Living in one of our homes ( SIL)
Community Participation ( CP)
Respite Care in your own home
4 Explain the Service agreements to you for SIL ,CP and the residential tenancy agreement.
Your rights and responsibilities, our rights and responsibilities
5 Explain the SIL application process if you do not already have SIL in your NDIS package.
Explain to you all the Information required and supporting documentation needed to be submitted.
6 Explain how we develop a customised support plan for you
We use all your medical reports, professional assessments and participant/family input to develop a unique support plan for you.
7 Explain what information we need to collect prior to entry
All the consent forms etc that we need to collect from you before we commence supporting you.